meanwhile - (Time Space Scanner)
Earlier this year I was invited to contribute a sound component to an iteration of Alex Hass' and Maria Lantin's ongoing Time Space Scanner project.
meanwhile is a generative media installation. The scans (micro-catures) are animated in real-time in TouchDesigner and projected on six 10' by 21" technical silk panels on which a full scan has been printed. Generative audio, synthesised sounds and recorded vocalizations from the artists, accompany. More details at the post in WITH-OTHERS.
meanwhile — a Time Space Scanner work.
Emily Carr University of Art + Design ~Diffuser Gallery February 20 - March 9 2018
Epson V750 Pro 2D scanner
50,000 scans (scanned over 6 days)
reconstituted in TouchDesigner
audio programming in Max/MSP
chickpeas, mycelium, botrytis cinerea, forest floor leavings, sunlight
projected onto 6 10' x 21" panels
inkjet on technical silk