Branching Songs: Rehearsal for a Forest ( New Media Gallery)
Rehearsal for a Forest was performed at: The New Media Gallery, April 29, 2023. This is a live room recording.
Please see the Branching Songs website for additional information and context.
(text below is from the Branching Songs site)
Rehearsal for a Forest explores the relationship between abiotic and biotic entities by inviting audiences to consider our relations with water, waves, trees, the land. The earliest life was sparked from oceans and light energizing emergent self-organizing forms. This ancient photosynthesis knowledge was handed down to our local plant life, trees and forests who provide the air we breathe and the climate we depend on. For Rehearsal for a Forest, the Ensemble uses instruments hand-made from remnants and cast-offs of local trees and plants, combined with electroacoustic techniques, and improvisational approaches, to ask that we listen to trees for the sake of the forests.
Rehearsal for a Forest was developed as a precursor to on-site interventionist performances with living ancient trees in at risk forests.
Rehearsal for a Forest can be performed in a variety of venues.
Branching Songs Ensemble:
Julie Andreyev, Tree-a-kin and Lightning Stick instruments
Simon Lysander Overstall, Tree-a-kin instrument, software programming
Keira Madsen, Tree Voice instrument
Myles V Feltenberger, Looper instrument
Giorgio Magnanensi, resonators + diffusion
The tree feelers were made by Lara Felsing and Julie Andreyev; the Tree Voice instrument was made by Giorgio Magnanensi and Simon Lysander Overstall; the Looper instrument was made by Simon Lysander Overstall.